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So much for the days...

Alright, so I can't keep track of the days we've spent on the house. I know it's been a while since I've updated but here is what we have done so far.

We are extremely close to having actual permanent power. We got the trench dug for the conduit, layed it all and filled the trench last night. It was a beast filling the trench as the soil is so rocky and there were chunks of torn up asphalt in the loose dirt we needed to fish out. However, it's done and now the power company just has to come and run permanent wire through the conduit and hook it up and we're good to go! Kenny has been running our lights all throughout the house so it's really coming together. Working with the power company has been less then amazing, but as usual, no one seems to know whats going on in those situations. I'm sure you can all relate to some level.

We are still working on plumbing. We have a working shower, sink and hose bibb, and if we hook up a toilet we will have an entire working bathroom. The waste lines are proving to be difficult so we are bringing in our plumber friend James to do those. It's just not worth our time to hassle with them anymore.

In doing plumbing we've realized that there were some things we needed to replace. There wasn't any green board in the bathroom or the laundry room so there was some mold. Nothing too horrible, we just needed to replace the sheet rock in both places. We also ripped up the tile floor and sub floor. That was back breaking to say the least. I never want to rip up tile again...ever.

So all in all we have been working on plumbing, electric and lots of demo. We have taken sheet rock out of the laundry room, bathroom, and the living room. We took a load of garbage to the dump and though it seems slow, we are making progress. I'll post pictures of the updates later.


lcrenovation said...

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