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A long overdue update

I'm a little disappointed in myself because I didn't update our progress along the way. Unfortunately there is only so much you can do. We were planning a wedding, working on our house and going through job changes. So, here are some updated pics. They are outdated for sure, but at least they show progress. These pics are after we finished up sheetrock, electric, insulation etc. Once I clean up the house and we polish some things up I'll post final pics, but for now this is what you get. 

Living Room/Front Room


Kitchen (If you can't tell we removed the wall separating the Dining Room and Kitchen)

Kitchen, it's easier to see where we removed the wall from here


Family Room

Family Room


Brett Painting. We had such a hard time choosing paint, so we ended up using almost all of the colors Kaira had already picked out for her house...except for the blue, which I was set on :)

Paint sprayers create a special kind of 'Fur'

Covered in Paint

Cabinets going in. That's Penny hanging out. 

Not a great photo but you get the idea

The hardwood, really dirty but again, you get the idea. We installed every bit of it ourselves, it was a LONG process but we love it. The floors look amazing. 

More flooring. 

Flooring in Front Room/Living Room

A little more progress

That's it for now. We have a lot more done (flooring everywhere, a full kitchen except for ovens, some furniture) but those pictures will come after I clean my house :)


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