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Day 3: Night time

So remember how I told you that it wasn't that easy getting utilities up and running, well the story doesn't end at power.

To sum it all up we got the padlock removed on our water and we turned on the valve that goes from the main in the street to our house. Now it was time for the serious stuff. We had to turn on the water main in the house and pray we didn't get any leaks anywhere. We were optimistic because there were little reassuring stickers all over the house saying "winterized, don't use." Huzzah, we have a winterized house and we're gonna have water in like 5 seconds. Rah! Rah! Rah! GO US!

It all worked out according to plan, we had water, and LOTS of it. Turns out when you winterize on March 8th, you've kind of missed the deadline. We had burst pipes everywhere. Water was coming out the ceiling, the walls, exposed pipes…EVERYWHERE. For the next several hours we spent a lot of time chasing leaks (7 of them total) and remember, we don't have any power and it's dark out now so we are fixing all of these pipes by headlamp…not awesome. We stayed until 1:30am Thursday morn because for the underwriter we technically had to have a 'working bathroom.' How were we going to fix the plumbing in that short amount of time? It seemed like such a lost cause, we were soooo defeated, and mad.

We woke up early on Thursday (Brett took work off) and we decided that we were just going to be chasing leaks so we were going to undertake replacing all of the plumbing. Oh gosh, get ready. We grabbed a bunch of stuff we needed at PETERSON PLUMBING…you should all go there. My friend Silas has worked there forever and he hooked us up (Thanks Silas, you're awesome).

We started redoing everything and removing old pipes etc. when we got a call from our appraiser. We mentioned to him our woes and he was totally awesome and said that he didn't care, he would sign us off anyway. :) What a rad guy. He understood that we bought a remodel, and it was going to take some work to get done, things that couldn't get done in just a few days. We totally owe him, but we did pay him for his time, so we are even in that sense :)

Ode to the Rubble

Water Everywhere

Ripping it away, ripping it away

Sad Face

chop off my head

I fixed this pipe, in the end for nothing.... Don't judge my lack of plumbing prowess!!


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