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Day 1 - The Never Ending Forest

Being that we technically hadn't closed yet (we were working on the house on Saturday the 15th because we knew we were closing Monday) we decided that just in case, and for good measure we would only do yard work. That way if something catastrophic happend that no longer allowed us to purchase the home we were only out a little manual labor...or at least we thought.

I've never seen so much wood in my life. We have a bunch of rogue trees in our yard. Literally stumps that are 3-4 feet in diameter that have at least 10 shoots coming from them. Unfortunately they are all dead and rotting so we had to rip all of them out and saw any that weren't already completely rotted off. We hauled so much wood we could keep the world warm through another ice age.

Not super exciting I know, but it was cool to clear out some portions of our yard and make more space. Here are some of the pics of the piles of the wood we hauled out. We will mulch all of the little stuff and use it in our garden beds, we are also going to have a fabulous outdoor bonfire pit so it will all go to good use...not to mention all of our camping trips we take. No more buying $5 bundles at the Maverick..HA take that!

Piles 1 & 2

Piles 3 & 4

The area we cleared...which was once completely covered in cherry wood

And a pic of the deck for good measure...maybe I'm obsessed

More of the fun stuff to come tomorrow....oh just you wait. 


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